What is the story behind Chrome's "unable to connect to the internet" T-Rex image?

What is the story behind Chrome's "unable to connect to the internet" T-Rex image?




Some recent updates:
  • The game enters a black and white mode after every multiple of 700 points till the next 100 points
  • You can pause the game by pressing the alt key.
  • You can make smaller leaps than usual by pressing the 8 key of the numpad or the spacebar lightly.
  • You can also crouch by using the down arrow and/or the numpad 2 key. (Useful for avoiding pterodactyls)

It's just a game!
No seriously!
Whenever you see the T-Rex,
Click space if you're on your laptop or touch the rex on your touch phone:

and the game will automatically start! Now continue using your spacebar or tapping on the dinosaur to make him jump over the cacti!

Internet is not connecting? Doesn't matter, you can still waste time on Google Chrome ;)

​Update: They have also added a bird feature to make the game even more challenging!
Edit: This feature is present only in recent versions of Chrome (after 38.0.2125.122) You'll have to upgrade your Chrome if you want to use this.
Source: All pictures are from my phone and edited by GIMP and QUORA.
