Clash Royale: Tips and Tricks

Clash Royale: Tips and Tricks

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Intro to the Game 

  • Chest:- Chest provide you new cards 
  • Type of chest:-
  1. Wooden chest(Provided at the time of training)
  2. Free chest(unlocks every 4 hours)
  3. Crown chest(need to collect 10 crown to unlock it)
  4. Silver chest
  5. Golden  chest
  6. Magical chest
  7. Giant chest 
  8. Super magical chest
  9. Epic chest 
  10. Legendary chest 
  11. Clan chest(Number of crowns are required by the clan-mate to unlock the chest)
  • Cards(rarity):-
  1. Common 
  2. Rare
  3. Epic
  4. Legendary 
  • Arena
  1. Training camp
  2. Goblin stadium(0+ trophies)
  3. Bone Pit(400+)
  4. Barbarian Bowl(800+)
  5. P.E.K.K.A's play house(1100+)
  6. Spell valley (1400+)
  7. Builder's Workshop(1700+)
  8. Royal Arena(2000+)
  9. Frozen Peak(2300+)
  10. Jungle Arena(2600+)
  11. Legendary Arena(3000+)

Clash Royale: Tips for beginners

  • From the start, you should try to create a balanced mix among your units. So don't just take strong units, which can cost a great deal of elixir, include some weaker, quickly regenerated ones, too.
  • Don't become panicked if your opponent is putting you under pressure or you lose a tower. He who acts hastily has already lost!
  • When only one minute remains, don't immediately throw all your units forward. Pay attention to the fact that your towers and the King's Tower (the tower in the center) are protected. 

Clash Royale: Deck tips

Anyone who wants to enter a game of Clash Royale not only needs sophisticated tactics but also a good deck. It's important to note that there is no perfect deck out there and no perfect tactic. However, to be successful in Clash Royale, you should follow these guidelines: 
  • As mentioned in the beginner tips, don't just fight with expensive units. It's also not advisable to carry just cheap units into the battle. The key is in the balance.
  • As a rule of thumb, you should get units that are fast, units that perform well against air units, tower-destroying units and units that specialize in defense (for example, defense towers). 
  • Your cards should fit your fighting preference. If you play aggressively, take units that can move quickly. However, for those who prefer defensive tactics, utilize units that can withstand a lot of damage. But it's really about the mix.
  • Know your elixir averages so you can figure out how much time it takes to get your cards down. The lower the time, the better you'll play.
Question to you: Which cards are in your Clash Royale deck and why did you choose those cards (please specify your level)? 
I use three different decks at random. I am a Level six player in Arena four.
1. I use the minion horde in all the decks as they're strong. When a giant or a giant skeleton comes, these guys are what you need.
2. Rage spell is really useful, especially if you use a lot of cards with multiple units. When a bunch of goblins are nearing a tower, I put down one of these and within a matter of seconds and they're destroyed.
3. The witch is one of my favorites. It can attack a dragon while skeletons distract or attacking another ground unit.
4. Goblin huts are pretty good too. It's especially useful when your opponent has one too, you can balance at least one side of your territory. And when these guys get delayed for a while, it's nasty.
5. Baby dragons are super. Their splash damage can wipe out a spear goblins card with one hit.
6. Rockets are cool. Do you sometimes feel that your opponent is trying to annoy you with four cards of spawn buildings and two defense buildings? Well, take it out. It does about 250 damage in level one. They can wipe out a big crowd as well.
My secondary cards.
1. I mainly use barbarians for holding attacks. They are tough and it takes a while to take them out.
2. High-level bombers are also sweet to take out a crowd of goblins, or anything else.

Clash Royale: Tactics and strategies

The player that does not react quickly enough to their opponent's actions and simply send a few units into the field has no chance in Clash Royale. Players should consider how they want to make a match. Here are some simple hints to help you with your strategy. 
  • Wait to start until the elixir meter is full (10) and then play your cards
  • Shield your ranged troops with strong combat units, sent, for example, before a giant and behind a bomber. 
  • Secure your victory. If you have already destroyed an enemy tower, you have an advantage and can respond to enemy attacks very well. This is especially true with strong players. It is advisable to focus on tower destruction when on the defensive. 
  • If it becomes apparent that one of your towers will be destroyed, dispatch troops to an enemy turret. It often doesn't help to doggedly fight for a tower that has little energy. Often it is destroyed by a fireball anyway.
  • Your towers can defend very well against many opponents. For example, if rather weak goblins attack from a goblin hut, you do not necessarily need to employ a fighter to defend. The tower might take a little damage but it will withstand it. 
  • Units that quickly destroy towers, such as knights, giants, etc., are very troublesome and other combat units are superior to them. It makes sense to sure them away from the tower and put a building in their way (like a leprechaun cottage).
  • Make sure you make good use of the taunts. They are in the chat bubble at the bottom of the screen. Get in your opponent's head, say oops when you meant to do something, and say good game and cry when you think you have an opening close to the end of a match. Just remember, be a good sport at the end. 

Clash Royale: Improving cards

In Clash Royale, you can improve your cards through the use of gold once you've reached a certain level. The only question is what unit should you improve? Here are a few simple steps to help you decide.
  • If you have a preference for a card, improve it. That's pretty simple.
  • Anyone who uses real money on Clash Royale has enough gold to improve more of their units. 
  • It may be worthwhile regularly improving units that are not included in the player's deck. By making improvements, units are not only stronger but fit into a wider strategy in the future. 

Clash Royale: Chests and jewels

  • Chests can be opened only after a certain waiting period. If you don't want to wait then you can use your jewels.
  • Players can unlock new jewels when they earn achievements. You can unlock five jewels, for instance, if you watch a match on TV Royale. 
  • Keep track of the time it takes to open a chest, you might want to time the bigger ones for when you'll be busy with something that's not Clash Royale.

Indian economy is now bigger than U.K

India’s Economy Is Now Bigger Than UK’s, The Country That Ruled India For 200 Years.

For the first time in over 100 years, Indian economy is larger than the UK’s.

The Indian economy achieved this milestone owing to rapid economic growth in the country for over 25 years as well as decline in the United kingdom (UK) following the Brexit vote.

India is currently at 2.13 trillion USD and is 7 th largest economyBritain is at 2.94 trillion USD and is 5th in the world. For the curious the one in between is France at 2.83 trillion USD. ... Extrapolating by considering these rates as constants India's economywill grow bigger than France in 5 th year that is 2020.

At current exchange rates (December 16), UK’s 2016 GDP of GBP 1.87 trillion comes to $2.29 trillion, whereas India’s GDP of Rs 153 trillion converts to $2.30 trillion.

Earlier, it was expected that India will overtake UK’s GDP in 2020, but given the nearly 20 per cent decline in the value of the pound over the last 12 months, the feat was achieved in 2016.

The gap between the two GDPs is also expected to widen further as India is likely to grow at 6 to 8 per cent as against UK’s growth of 1 to 2 per cent per annum until 2020, and likely beyond. The figures also take into considerations the fluctuations in the currency.

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the research and analysis division of The Economist Group in its global economic outlook in December said that India continues to be the fastest-growing large economy beating China.

The group however slashed India’s economic growth forecast from 7.3 percent to 6.5 percent in 2016-17 because of cash shortage from “botched implementation of demonetisation”.

According to global rating agency S&P, the demonetisation move by the government will be beneficial for the Indian economy in the long run. At the same time it also expects the goods and services tax (GST) to adversely impact some sectors of the economy but will be beneficial in the long-term.

S&P believes demonetisation and GST could result in a wider tax base and greater participation in the formal economy.

The government sees demonetisation and digitisation exercise as a new normal in the Indian economy that would replace the “unacceptable” system prevalent over the last 70 years.

“The government took a somewhat courageous step and went in for large currency swap. The fact that India today has the capacity to take these decisions and capacity to enforce them, to experiment boldly even at a time when the world is looking more inwards, marks an exception as far as India is concerned,” Jaitley said.